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Akwilla e.V.

Akwilla e.V. cares, among other things, for young girls in Ukraine who have grown up in a children’s home and have no chance to gain ground in life. In addition, the association is currently strongly involved in the distribution of aid supplies and accommodation of Ukraini-an refugees in Germany.

„Our heart’s desire is to lovingly care for the children so that they can also experience emo-tional healing.“

Our vision

Our vision is to create a perspective for Ukrainian girls who have grown up in children’s homes, leaving at the age of majority and moving on on their own. We want to give them the opportunity to attend a one-to-two-year school of life. Unfortunately, in children’s homes they are not prepared for life “outside”. In the school of life, they live in a community and experience typical family life. They learn how to handle the basic things, for example, how to deal with money, how to run a household, and much more. They learn all the things that are necessary for them to be able to cope with life independently. We want to make sure that a new generation grows up to be an enrichment and to make a change in society. 

Who we are

My name is Vera Voronjuk, I am 55 years old, and I live with my family in Horn-Bad Mein-berg, Germany. When I was in my early twenty’s, during my Bible school time in America, I asked God to use me as He had never done before. This prayer accompanies me until today. I have been married to Vladimir, a Ukrainian, for 29 years. Together we have three sons, Kevin (26), Maxim (25) and his wife Kathie (25), and Marc (22).

Over the years Ukraine has become our second home. Twelve years ago, we had the oppor-tunity to buy a low-cost piece of land without having any concrete plans. In the meantime, the words of the founder of World Vision, Robert Pears, touched me deeply: „Lord, let my heart be broken by the things that break yours.” When you pray such prayers, you must ex-pect that God will take you at your word.

What we are currently doing for Ukraine

In the last few weeks, we have picked up families from the Ukrainian border and accommodated them in a hotel. During the trips, we have distributed well-directed re-lief goods. Among other things, food, sleeping bags and sleeping mats were delivered to the refugees. Further trips to the border are planned, during which more families will be brought to Germany and more aid supplies will be distributed. Later in time, we would like to use donations to provide a protected future for the families in Germany. By contacts per-sons, the children from the children’s home have been brought to the west of Ukraine where it is still safe.

Bringing families to Germany

Finding accommodation for families

Distribute relief goods

How you can help:

Both, the children’s home and the care for the refugees in Ukraine and in Germany, entail costs that have to be covered. Since we are dependent on donations, we would appreciate your support. If you would like to help us, find our contact information here.

In addition, we are currently sending out calls via Instagram and Facebook for donations in kind, for drivers and accommodations. There you can also get in touch and support us.

Donation via bank transfer

Akwilla e.V.
IBAN: DE75476501301010067260

Join us!

If you would like to participate as a volunteer in our activities, don’t hesitate to send us a request:

Declaration of agreement

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